Tvheadend NZ Radio IPTV Setup


Navigation to TvHeadend -> Configuration -> DVB Inputs -> Networks
Click Add & select "IPTV Automatic Network"

Fill in below two fields

Network Name: Radio

Click "Create".

Navigate to Muxes
Every radio station get's it's own MUX and you will see them being scanned in
Once they all show "OK", move on to the next step.

If any "FAIL" to scan, then try re-scanning them by:
Select item, click "Edit" & change 
"Scan status" to "PEND". 

This will queue up a re-scan.
If it continues to fail after a few tries, please let me know in the comments below.

Now navigate to "Services"
Click on Network column to sort by network name.
Highlight all the Radio items and select "Map Selected" -> "Map Selected Services"

Make sure "Create type-based tags" is selected and then select "Map Services"

Once the mapping is completed, navigate to Configuration -> Channel / EPG -> Channels
You will see all your new radio channels listed.
You can now edit them as you please (Rename, give channel numbers, delete)

They will appear in KODI under  a new "Radio" main menu item.
You can record them etc, just like you would with a normal Tvheadend channel.

Tvheadend will check the m3u8 file for new streams every hour by default.
News streams will automatically show in Services.
You just need to map the services to channels if you want to use them.
(As far as I am aware, there is no automatic mapping feature in Tvheadend.)

Feel free to request other stations in the comments below.
Also let me know if you find any higher quality streams.

The streams require ffmpeg to be installed on the device running Tvheadend.




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