Global Search+ Kodi Add-on


This addon can find any item in your Kodi video and music library


  • A fork of Kodis official Global Search addon with added features
  • Search history
  • Smarter result ordering using Pythons SequenceMatcher
  • Few other small changes / improvements
  • Drop-in replacement as uses the same addon id


This addon searches your local Kodi library only.
It does not search addons for content.
A future enhancement may be ability to search SlyGuy addons



First follow THIS post to install the SlyGuy Add-on Repository.

As this add-on uses the same id as the official add-on, it lives inside its own repository.
This allows users to pick and choose which forks to have installed / updated.

Navigate to "Main Menu -> Add-ons -> My Add-ons"
Select ".." then select "Install from repository"

Select "SlyGuy Repository".
Select "Program add-ons" then "SlyGuy Common"
Select "Install" and the addon will download and install.

Select ".." and then select "Add-on repository"
Select "SlyGuy Global Search+ Repository"
Select "Install" and the repository with download and install.
Due to a quirk in Kodi - you may not get a tick next to the name after installed

Use the ".." to navigate back to "Install from repository"
This time select the newly installed "SlyGuy Global Search+ Repository"
Select "Program add-ons" then "Global Search+"
Select "Install" and the add-on will download and install.
You can now access the add-on in the Add-ons main menu item under "Programs"
If your using a supported Kodi skin (eg. the default), you can also use the Search icon
On the first search - it will just show an input box.
Future searches will show a list of previous searches that can be chosen
The most recent search is at the top

The length of the search history can be configured in the addon settings
The various other "usual" settings for Search add-on can also be adjusted.
Setting this to 0 will disable history.


If you want to swap back to the Kodi repo version, simply navigate to
Add-ons -> Programs -> Global Search+
Select "Versions"
Select the "Kodi Add-on repository" version

Then navigate to Add-ons -> Repositories -> SlyGuy Global Search+ Repository
Select Uninstall and then Yes.
If the repository is not uninstalled - the Kodi version may be replaced again when this one gets its next update.



Check out the Supporter Perks
